Genetic Sluts 2

"Paul! Paul, can you hear me?" Paul Cheong came around in surprise. He was in the office of Dr Lambert, a chief surgeon at the clinic in which he was interning. "Paul, there was an incident during surgery. You were assisting me in replacing a breast implant, but when you held the saline bag you started licking it and slobbering, rubbing it all over your face. I had to have you sedated. Well, this is the first case I've seen but it has been documented. Doctors have had to keep it a little hush hush, but it seems you are one of a small percentage of people who are natural, genetic sluts. You have no hope of living a normal life, I'm sorry to say. Your transformation has already begun, it started when you were in contact with the implant. If you feel your testicles you will find they have atrophied. You're also probably feeling suggestible, and most likely aroused." Paul did as Lambert asked, and sure enough his balls felt tiny. His penis was rock hard thou...